Theme Installation
1. After purchase, you need to download it, Simply log into your account, go to your downloads and locate your theme. Click on the download button and select the Installable WordPress file only. This will download the zip file for your theme.
2. After downloading correct files log in your WordPress and make sure that your WordPress is up to date. Then go to wp admin panel Appearance > Themes > Upload theme and upload correct files after that activate theme, by pressing "activate" button.
3. Then you will see a message with required plugin installation, press Begin Installing Plugins. Select all checboxes and press install then activate plugins. Now your theme is installed correctly and all plugins installed and activated.
Plugins installation troubleshot info: If you can not install and activate all plugins at once, you need to install and activate plugins one by one, not all at once!
4. You can also install theme via FTP. Use free software for this task - FileZilla. Download theme files zip, unzip it and upload theme folder to your server using ftp to location: wp-content > themes . Now new theme will appear on your wp admin panel Appearance > Themes and activate it, and do the same actions, as we did above.
Useful topics about theme installation:
Demo Content
1. After theme installation you need to import demo data to have starting point for website creation. With our themes it is very easy to do, just one clik. Go to wp admin panel Appearance > Import Demo Data and press the button. All your demo data will be imported, this may take several minutes.
2. Then you need to import revolution slider data separatelly. Download theme full zip pack from themeforest > unzip it > you will see "demo" folder > open it and inside you will see files or files.
3. Import that files to wp, go to wp admin panel Slider Revolution > Manual Import. After doing this you will have exact copy of demo on your website.
Installation and Demo Import Troubleshoots
If you have issues with theme installation or with importing demo data, there can be some kind of reasons, based on your hosting or software configurations. Main reasons list:
- Your WordPress should be upto date
- Your PHP version should be compatible with your WordPress version
- Your hosting memory limit and timeout limit should be enough to install theme and import demo data
Instructions about menory limit increase. You should check your php.ini configurations at your server/hosting. Themes247 team recommends to change these options in your php.ini file:
max_input_vars (default is 1000) set to 3000
post_max_size (default is “8M”) set to 2000M
upload_max_filesize (default is “2M”) set to 64M
max_execution_time (default is “30”) set to 180
max_input_time (default is “-1”) set to 180
memory_limit (default is “128M”) set to 3000M
If you don’t have access to your php.ini file, ask your hosting/server provider, they should configure it for you
Configuring Home Page and Blog Page
By default in WordPress front page looks like blog archive page, to change it you need to go to wp admin panel Settings > Reading and you will see options to place home page and blog page. Switch to "static" page and place correct home page and blog page that you need.
Theme Customize
The theme includes tons of easy to use options to customize the design of your site. Most of your theme options can be found in the live WordPress theme customizer. Theme uses only native WordPress functions, os you should be familiar with the way the Customizer looks and works.
Simply navigate to admin panel Appearance > Customize to make changes to the design of your website. There you can find all options as Accent Color, Site Icon, Header, Logo, Menu, Cover Area, Layout... to change anything in theme, it is easy and intuitive. This is live customizer, so all changes you can see at once, without saving, then when you like result, save. Below are some example options:
1. Accent Color: To change accent color in theme you need to go to wp admin panel Appearance > Customize, in the right panel > click General > Accent Color. Some elements in theme can have it's own separate accent color that can be set from Elementor Page Builder element options
2. Headers: Go to wp admin panel Appearance > Customize, in the right panel > click Headers, which allows you to change the type of header that will display on desktop and on mobile. If you choose the "Default" type, you can directly edit the options below such as Logo, Cart & Search icon, otherwise if you choose the header type which is what you have built in the Header Builder on the admin panel, the this options below will not be applied.
3. Typography: To redefine the font style for each element in the theme, you need to go to wp admin panel Appearance > Customize, in the right panel > click Typography
4. Custom CSS: If you need to change color in some place, where you can not find option to change colors, you can always use custom CSS styling with pointing to the element class where you want to change color. Custom CSS can be applied to wp admin pannel Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS
Working With Custom Post Types
Custom post types are located in wp admin panel main menu and all they are easy to customize. Simply go to custom post types and add or edit existing single items for each custom post type.
Working With Contact From 7
Make sure that you installed Contact form 7 plugin. After installing this plugin you can create contact forms. Go to wp admin panel Contact > Add New. Give a Name to your form and change your e-mail information. Now you can create contact forms, by adding different form element
Now you need to add created contact form to your page. Simply go to page editor - Elementor editor, and in elements list you will find Contact form 7 element. Add that element, choose your form from forms list and form will appear in your page.
More information about Contact Form 7 you can find on plugin documentation:
Theme Translation
1. You need to download and install poEdit program from here
2. Then go to ftp > wp-conetent > themes > your theme folder > languages. There you will find .pot file, open it with poEdit
3. After edititng you need to set correct files name for your new files that will come after editing. More info about files naming you gan find here:
4. You need to save .po and .mo files in this format. Exmaple: "en_US.po"
5. Theme addons plugin is also translation ready, but plugin translation files should be saved in this format. Example: "circular-addons-en_US.po"
6. Open file wp-config.php in your Wordpress root folder and add the line define('WPLANG', ''); remember replace '' by the language you want. More details can be found here: WordPress in your language
7. You can also translate theme using Loco Translate plugin:
8. Theme is fully compatibele with WPML Multilingual plugin, that can be used for translation and multilingual:
This section is about frequently asked questions
How to update theme via ftp
1. Download latest version of theme ( full pack ). Unzip it and inside you will see theme zip file "plugins" folder and others.
2. Unzip theme zip file as well, then go to wp-content > themes in your ftp and replace theme old folder with new one, by replacing all files as well
3. Now you need to update all included plugins. Go to "plugins" folder in your theme pack, then unzip all zip files inside that folder, in result you will have plugins folders. Go to wp-content > plugins > and replace each folder of plugin with new folder, by replacing all files inside folder
How to create child theme
What is child theme ?
A child theme is a theme that inherits the functionality of another theme, called the parent theme. Child themes allow you to modify, or add to the functionality of that parent theme. A child theme is the best, safest, and easiest way to modify an existing theme, whether you want to make a few tiny changes or extensive changes. Instead of modifying the theme files directly, you can create a child theme and override within.
Why to use a Child Theme?
if you modify an existing theme and it is updated, your changes will be lost. With a child theme, you can update the parent theme (which might be important for security or functionality) and still keep your changes. It’s a great way to get started if you are just learning WordPress theme development.
How to create Create child ?
Follow documentation about child theme creation: Child Theme Dev
You can also use this plugin for easy child theme creation: One Click Child Theme
How to configure Mailchimp
1. Theme is compatible with "Mailchimp for wordpress" plugin. To make it working you need to place valid API key to wp admin panel > MC4WP > Mailchimp
2. To get API key you need to have registered mailchimp account, login to your account, then go to and there you will be able to create your API key, copy it, paste to WordPress.
3. Go to wp admin panel MC4WP > Form and make sure that you assigned correct mailing list with enabling checkbox in "Lists this form subscribes to" section.
4. Now you can place your Subscribe form element anywhere you want as Elementor page builder element.
How to configure Latest Tweets widget
1. Go to wp admin panel Appearance > widgets and you can see "Latest Tweets" widget, which you can place in any widget area. But you can see that there are some data from twitter API that you need to set to make it working.
2. Visit the Twitter Developers Site
3. Sign in with your Twitter account and go to "My applications"
4. Press "Create new application" button.
5. Give unique name to your application and fill other fields as well. This application will be used for personal purposes only
6. If entered values are valid you will be taken to your oAuth settings page. Then click the “Create my access token” button.
7. Now you will see all needed information simply copy-paste it to your WordPress recent tweets widget
8. And you need to add twitter channel for sure in recent tweets widget. For example if you want to add this channel, you need to sewt only username "tutsplus"
How to enable HTTPS on my website
Themes are tested and fully working on HTTPS protocole with SSL certificates. To enable it, you need to have it enabled and configured on your hosting. Then simply install this plugin and all will work: Really simple SSL